Fasting: St. Isaac the Syrian and Fr. Anthony Messeh

Wow... was my first reaction to this post I received this in my inbox this morning as I subscribe to Fr. Anthony Messeh's blog, a Coptic Orthodox priest from Virginia. I have been following Fr. Anthony's blog for several years now. He does an outstanding job with communicating the truths of the Gospel and today, as you might imagine, the topic was on Lenten fasting, and he quotes St. Isaac the Syrian, who relates fasting as an integral part of our salvation as Christ defeated Satan by fasting for 40 days in the wilderness.

Here's the quote from St. Isaac the Syrian:

"And the Saviour also, when He manifested Himself to the world in the Jordan, began at this point. For after His baptism, the Spirit led Him into the wilderness and He fasted for forty days and forty nights. Likewise all who set out to follow in His footsteps make the beginning of their struggle upon this foundation. For this is a weapon forged by God, and who shall escape blame if he neglects it? And if the Lawgiver Himself fasts, who among those who keep the law has no need of fasting?"

To read this blog post and more from Fr. Anthony, from a Coptic Orthodox perspective, click here to read his blog and subscribe.
